One of the oldest cities in Europe and possibly the world, the City of Belgrade is the capital of Serbia and has a population over 1,700,000. It is located on the outfall of the Sava river to the Danube river in northern-central part of the country. MORE...
One of the last traces of Belgrade’s ancient and violent past, Belgrade Castle is believed by many to be the site where the city was founded by the Romans. The castle has seen many additions and subtractions over the centuries. MORE...
The Danube is Europe's second-longest river (after the Volga). It rises in the Black Forest in Germany as two smaller rivers – the Brigach and the Breg – which join at Donaueschingen, here it is known as the Danube. MORE...
Also known as the Felix Romuliana and Galerie's Palace, Gamzigrad was once a metropolis built by the Roman Emperor Gai Galerie Valerie Maxmillian. The construction was started in the late III and IV centuries. MORE...
Considered one of the top ten classical structures in Eastern Europe it is Byzantium Fortress on the Danube River. It is built on a narrow portion of the Danube and represents a strategic point on the Danube River. During WW2 it was a Nazi base. MORE...
This museum is the second largest museum after the national museum located in Belgrade. It is located in the Krusavac fortress and has many items from early Serbian History and culture. There are many Byzantine items. MORE...
The Nis Fortress complex, otherwise know as Tvrdjava, is the remaining parts of the Early Byzantine road and the remnants of a 5th century settlement in the central part of the fortress near the Bali Bey's Mosque.MORE...
Novi Sad (Serbian: Novi Sad; Slovak: Nový Sad; Hungarian: Újvidék; Croatian: Novi Sad; Romanian: Novi Sad; German: Neusatz; Latin: Neoplanta) is a city in northern Serbia, located at 45.25° N, 19.85° E, on the banks of the Danube river.. MORE...
The word “basilica” was originally used by the Romans to describe a Roman public building, which was usually located in the center of town. Eventually they became Christian churches, and the name became synonymous with church.
Located right in front of St. Peter’s Bascilica is St. Peter’s Square (Piazza St. Pietro in Italian). Designed by Gia Lorenzo Bernini, the square mixes Baroque with Classical styles to give the viewer a truly dazzling. MORE...
The Parliament building is in the city centre of Belgrade, on the Nikola Pašic Square, in front of Pioneer's park. Prior to its use for the Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro, it served as the seat of parliament for Yugoslavia. MORE...
The Skull Tower (Serbian: Cele Kula; the Castle of Cegar), situated near Niš is a unique monument in the world. It was built by the Turks into which they set skulls of the Serb commander Stevan Sindjelic and his men, with the intention of frightening the Serb population.. MORE...
Located in the European country named the Republic of Serbia is the City of Smederevo. The city has existed since Europe’s medieval ages and has seen many an invasion at the hands of peoples such as the Ottomans.
The building known as St. Mark's Church is located at Tašmajdan. Inside is the a sarcophagus with the remains of Czar Dušan, brought here from his endowment, the monastery of St. Michael the Archangel near Prizren. It was built between 1931 -1940. MORE..
Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 – c. January 7, 1943) was an inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. He is often regarded as one of the greatest geniuses of technological progression and the modern age. MORE...
Zajecar is a town in the east of the republic of Serbia. It has a population of 39,800. It is the administrative center of Zajecar district and Timocka Krajina and the origin of the name is probably Turkish. Gamzigrad is also located in its' suburbs. MORE...
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