(modern Median) is an important archeological
site from the late Roman period located
in the eastern suburb of the Serbian city
of Niš. It represents a luxurious
residence with a highly organized economy.
Excavatations have revealed a villa with
peristyle, thermae, granary and water
tower. The residence dates to the reign
of Constantine the Great 306 to 337. Although
Roman artefacts can be found scattered
all over the area of present-day Niš
Mediana represents the best-preserved
part of Roman Naissus. Constantine the
Great (280 - 337) was born and raised
in Naissus. He erected a majestic residence
in one of the luxurious suburbs of ancient
Naissus, where he often resided and attended
to state affairs. Historical records testify
it was in Naissus that he passed several
laws - in 315, 319, 324, and 334.
his two-month stay, Julian wrote from
Naissus long epistles to the Senate, to
Athens, Corinth and other Greek towns,
explaining his policy and seeking support.
Valentinian's stay in Naissus in 364 is
attested by several imperial edicts.
Constantine's death in 337, the imperial
residence in Mediana was used by several
other emperors, either as place of rest
on their long journeys or during preparations
for war. Thus, Constantine's sons, Constantius
and Constans, stayed in Naissus in the
winter of 340, for they signed an edict
there. Later on, Constans used it as a
temporary residence. According to the
Hieronimus' Chronicles, after Vetranio,
commander of the Danubian army, hsd been
proclaimed emperor in Sirmium, he surrendered
the insignia of imperial power to Constantius
II in Naissus, in 350. Julian the Apostate
unexpectedly spent some time in Naissus
on his expedition against Constantius
II, at the end of year 361.