known as the Felix Romuliana and Galerie's
Palace, Gamzigrad was once a metropolis
built by the Roman Emperor Gai Galerie
Valerie Maxmillian. The construction was
started in the late III and early IV century
and is of course, in the current day,
a archeologically signifigant dig of sorts.
Archeological diggings in the fortress
have unearthed the remains of a palace
with exceptionally fine mosaics, public
baths and impressive city gates Rich historic
material (jewelry, money, tools, arms)
found here bear witness of a great civilization
in this region. Gamzigrad ranks among
the most representative Roman towns in
the Balkans, and shows the evidence of
years of fine Roman construction. By its
findings Zajecar must have been a prosperous
district because of the crafts and semi-industrial
processing of agricultural products over
coal exploitation. The building lies south
of the Danube, near Zajecar. Today the
local city has a population of 158,131,
and is the seat of the district.