Vestal Virgin was a woman who served the
ancient Roman goddess named Vesta. Vesta
ruled over things like homes and hearths,
and to show honour to her the Romans kept
an eternal flame burning in her temple,
which was located just off of the Forum
Romanum. The Vestal Virgins took care
of this flame and made sure that it never
went out, as this would be a great affront
to the goddess. This was because many
people relied on fire for everything,
and if all the fires in your house went
out you could come to the temple and get
it re-lit.
Vestal Virgins were chosen at birth, by
the head priestess of the Vestal order;
she was called the Pontifex Maximus, and
she chose her girls by a type of lottery.
The girls were very young, and they were
taken from their homes to live in the
there they were shaved bald and told that
they had to be celibate. While many may
consider this a serious problem, Vestal
Virgins were accorded a very high place
in Roman society. Without the rights and
privileges of being a Vestal Virgin woman
would spend their lives without rights,
under the heavy hands of their husbands.
When one of these women turned thirty
she could, if she so chose, take a husband.
Most of the women in the temple chose
not too because they enjoyed the rights
and privileges their vows gave them. If
a Vestal Virgin broke her vow of celibacy
she was sealed up in an underground passage
with a bit of food and water. Once their
she would live until her supplies ran
out, eventually starving to death.