many cities in North America, Montreal
has a Chinatown. Chinatown of course refers
to a population center that not only features
a primarily Asian population but also
transforms a small piece of the city into
a decorative and exotic wonderland. Montreal’s
Chinatown is called “Quartier Chinois”,
and “constitutes a neuralgic sector
of the downtown area”. Chinatown
is usually a hive of activity, and the
one in Montreal is no exception. There
you can find fantastic resturants, interesting
places to by vaious curiosities, and perhaps
even a festival during Chinese New Year.
Chinantown has been around for a while,
with the first seeds of business showing
up around 1877. Orignally it was a somwhat
rough place to live, but as the modern
age approced and cities took an interest
in developing their cutlural centers Montreal’s
Chinatown became a very nice place to
be. The construction of several public
and private projects, which were architecturally
modified to reflect an Asian heritage,
made the “Quartier Chinois”
an urban landmark.