facade is 33 meters high, and 38 meters
broad, and guarded by four statues, each
of which is 20 meters high. They were
sculptured directly from the rock in which
the temple was located before it was moved.
All statues represent Ramesses II, seated
on a throne and wearing the double crown
of Upper and Lower Egypt. The statue left
of the entrance was damaged in an earthquake,
leaving only the lower part of the statue
still intact. Several smaller figures
are situated at the feet of the four statues,
depicting members of the pharaoh's family.
They include his mother Mut-tuy, Nefertari,
and some of his sons and daughters. Above
the entrance there is a statue of a falcon-headed
Ra-Harakhte, with the pharaoh shown worshipping
on both sides of him. Below the statue
there is an ancient rebus, showing the
prenomen or throne name of Ramesses: Waser-ma'at.