Most people from North America know one
of Morocco’s cities; Casablanca
is the city where the movie “Casablanca”
was set. Unless you paid attention you
might think Casablanca was in France,
but in fact it is in Africa. In the movie
“Casablanca” people were coming
from all over Europe (mostly France) trying
to escape the Nazi occupation during the
Second World War. While there they would
try to get passage to somewhere else,
but would be stuck in Morocco during their
wait. People came from France to Morocco
because Morocco was at one time a French
Protectorate, and some free French peoples
existed there after France had fallen
to the Nazi’s
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Morocco is no longer a French Protectorate,
gaining its independence in 1959. Morocco
has a mild (i.e. Mediterranean) climate
on its edges, becoming hot and arid as
one moves toward the center of the continent.
The country has in its possession on half
of the land mass needed to make the Straights
of Gibraltar, the strategic bottleneck
that can be used to control shipping traffic
that moves in and out of the Mediterranean
Sea. A large part of Morocco is covered
by mountains, so as would be expected
the climate changes with elevation.